Rachel Hammond runs!

Rachel Hammond (34) is married with children, aged seven, five and three. When Rachel and her husband knew their family to be complete, she figured running would be an easy, quick and cheap way to get back into shape, especially with small children.

From couch to 5k

Like most people Rachel used the Couch to 5k program. She signed up ánd paid for an upcoming race to keep herself motivated to stick to the program. She can now easily run three to four miles, and the furthest she has run is six miles. Someday Rachel plans to run a 10k.

'Do you need a ride?'

Rachel: 'There is a great app that I used when I just started out, that signaled loudly when I was supposed to run or walk. I confess that there was one time, right at the beginning, when a guy stopped to ask me if I needed a ride. I guess I looked like I was about to keel over? It was a little embarrassing, but I haven't had that happen since.'

During Summer Rachel runs three to four times a week. Because she doesn't like running in the cold, she's planning to get herself a threadmill to use during Winter.

Running solo or in groups

Even though Rachel took up running for the physical benefits it offers, she now also runs because it helps clear her head and decompress from the little and big stresses of daily life.

Rachel: 'On those days that I need to decompress, it is helpful to just be alone with my thoughts and my plodding feet. But I also really like running with others, because they motivate me to get up and do it, and to finish strong. And it's nice to have someone to talk to! Besides this, I love the energy that comes from being surrounded by other runners, especially at the start line of a race. It really is something to experience!'

Running environment

Rachel doesn't belong to a gym, so it's the open road for her! Since she lives in the suburbs she's used to running through neighbourhoods with a variety of houses and businesses, and random barking dogs. But when she visits her inlaw's farm she runs the quiet country roads. Rachel: 'There is something peaceful about the quiet road.'

Running with gadgets

The only running gadget Rachel takes with her is her music. Lately, she's been running to Pandora, because of the variety of music it offers, instead of listening to her same old running mix over and over. But she also has a running mix that helps her power through and keep her pace steady.

Rachel hasn't yet tried out any running skirts, but she does sport Chili Arms! Rachel: 'They are great for people like me who get cold easily, but don't want the bulk of an extra shirt!'

Parallels between running and motherhood

While she was running a 5k in Traverse City, Michigan, Rachel was struck by some distinct parallels between running and motherhood.

Rachel: 'Runners come in all shapes and sizes and run at different speeds, but with the same destination in mind. Moms are the same way.

We all do motherhood differently: we start at different times, speed through it or take our time, but it is definitely a journey. It also reminded me how important it is to have people to support you along the way, both on the sidelines, and in the thick of it with you as you run the race of motherhood.'

Rachel's message for moms who are thinking about taking up running

Rachel: 'Do it. Now. Don't worry about not being able to make it to the end of the block. You will be amazed how quickly you will be able to run five minutes… then ten minutes… then more! It's time you can take for yourself, and you will come back better for yourself and for your family.

I will run as long as I possibly can, in concert with other more low-impact sports like yoga. The simplicity alone is worth it, and the physical and emotional benefits are priceless.'

Wanna read more from Rachel?

Then visit her blog MomColoredGlasses.

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Anonymous said...

Love when you feature other real moms and their running stories. I can so relate!

Rachel said...

Thanks for sharing my running story...it was great to be able to verbalize the "why" behind my running...and I hope it inspires others to join in!

Char said...

I'm with Rachel - running's one of the best, most accessible, sanity-saving exercises that a mum could possibly do.

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