The lone distance runner choses to go it alone, but as a blogger I prefer some company. But lately I've been wondering: 'Does the comment button even work?!' Getting a comment seems to become even more rare than me going faster than a 5k per hour…
So I'm just checking: is there anybody out there who reads me?!
The lone blogger

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I read you. and I totally get that ecard (which btw I think is awesome, and totally agree with you), but yes I know what you mean. You pour your heart out and you feel like no one is listen.
Thanks Matilda! Already I feel less 'lone'!
I read somewhere that the percentage of readers who ever leave a comment is something ridiculously low, like less than 5%. Your Analytics should tell you how often your posts are read.
I love your blog! I rarely comment on any blog unless I have something that I feel is important enough to share. That video you posted about men watching women run creeped me out. Thank god it was foreign.
Oh, I totally feel this way some times :) But you are not alone!
I feel the same way sometimes! I wouldn't worry about the comments though. When I look at my hits and how long people stay on the pages, it let's me know they are reading. So keep at it. Consistency is the key.
that made me laugh and I definitely agree. keep plugging away and it will pay off. Just like running
This certainly chimes with my experience of blogging. I get thousands and thousands of page hits, people stop me to tell me how much they enjoy it, and I think I've had only, wait for it, 3 comments in the last year.
That's good to know Corey! Sometimes blogging feels like talking to my husband: I get no response at all, and it's like I'm talking to myself!
Thanks Karla. I was beginning to feel like nobody read my posts. I'm so glad there are indeed people out there who are 'hearing' me!
Wow, that's not very much. Bummer! I can't help myself: I really like getting comments.
Yep I know that feeling! Got my first EVER comment on my blog recently and I was MADE UP! Keep up the good work, and feel free to reciprocate!
I read you. And I share your feelings. I used to get a lot of comments and I had a host of readers. I stopped blogging for about a year while I went through some really personal stuff. I felt like when I stopped blogging, people thought I stopped existing. I thought I had made friends. And I did. I just had to remember that anyone who forgot me, wasn't worth it. Now, I am thankful for the very few comments I do get because I know those people genuinely like my blog.
I also try to remember, I started it for me. It is about me and it begins and ends with me.
Hello there, I am reading :)
Thank for making me LOL with that e-card, my sentiments exactly, most of the time. I enjoy reading your posts, will try to comment more so you don't question of you're alone anymore.
I read you! I relate a lot to what you post so I often try to comment but don't always have time. I have the same issue on my blog. My stats show quite a few readers but my lone commenter is often Char from My Life's A Marathon. I figure, hey, at least people aren't throwing sticks at me.
I hear ya! I am pretty surer 99.9% of the comments on my posts are from blog hoppers, which is fine, but I wouldn't mind the occasional non-blog hopper comment. And here I am coming up from a blog hop to comment on your post, lol. Following you via FB.
Don't write for everyone else. Write for you.
I read too! But don't leave a comment very often
That's like saying: Talk to yourself.
Thanks everyone for making me feel less alone in the blogosphere! I'm all choked up by your great comments!
I can relate. One time I posted something very personal hoping it would inspire others. I got very few comments and was disappointed. A lot of times I do read posts, but don't comment because I read so many blogs! Visiting from SITS.
Visiting (and commenting) from ShareFest. I'm a runner too, that's what caught my attention.
Hello I have been reading it.
I welcome comments to my blog to!
I'm here (waving). :)
I read your blog!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Hi Art, just dropped you a comment!
Hi Kristia, words like 'running' always catch my attention too!
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