I don't really understand it actually. But whatever. I like walking and I am not a jogger but every activity that gets people moving is a good one in my books.
I wish I could call myself a jogger. I am at best a walker so I cheer on anyone who jogs or runs. It's on my One day list (I am very aware of where my One day list has gotten me -- haha!) Happy Wednesday! :-) Traci
That's kinda misleading. Even joggers take a break sometimes by *gasp* jogging. You know, alternating between sprints, jogging, and running speed. You know what I mean? That was totally bad advertising right there. Were they trying to lose business? Cuz after all, oftentimes, "joggers" turn into "runners" - in the long run.
I need to get my big butt at least walking when the snow melts. I am getting older and well, spreading LOL Thank you for being part of the (mis)Adventures Monday Blog Hop!
I highly doubt Izumi wants their logo on that! How rude, huh?
Oh, wait... it WAS put out by Izumi... Weird marketing approach. Don't like it.
Not the message they were going for I would hope...not a very welcoming marketing approach!
Yeah, don't care for that one either.
Ummm..what?! That is bizarre!
I don't really understand it actually. But whatever. I like walking and I am not a jogger but every activity that gets people moving is a good one in my books.
I agree Paula. It's snobbish to look down at joggers.
It's not very friendly, is it!
How strange to put it out :-)
Not a jogger.............hardly a walker..........I have a daughter that is getting ready for a marathon though.
I ran cross country in high school and both of my kids ran cross country in high school. I think people should be encouraged to get out and move.
I'm not sure I follow...
I guess they thought better of the marketing strategy, too, the website no longer works ...
I wish I could call myself a jogger. I am at best a walker so I cheer on anyone who jogs or runs. It's on my One day list (I am very aware of where my One day list has gotten me -- haha!)
Happy Wednesday!
I felt a joggers thigh once. It was very firm!
Don't like how it has be expressed.
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
There you go Keith! If that doesn't prove that joggers are just as good als runners I don't know what does.
I agree Patrick. And telling them that if they're a jogger it doesn't count is not the way.
There's a term called Runner's High. It's something people who run feel, and it's a great feeling. You get this rush of endorphins.
Joggers are considered inferior runners...
That's kinda misleading. Even joggers take a break sometimes by *gasp* jogging. You know, alternating between sprints, jogging, and running speed. You know what I mean? That was totally bad advertising right there. Were they trying to lose business? Cuz after all, oftentimes, "joggers" turn into "runners" - in the long run.
I need to get my big butt at least walking when the snow melts. I am getting older and well, spreading LOL Thank you for being part of the (mis)Adventures Monday Blog Hop!
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