Running shows character!


Has anyone seen the movie 'Run fat boy, run'? It's about a man who left his pregnant girlfriend at the altar, and tries to prove to her he has changed by running a marathon in London.

Running: a way to show what you're made of

What I liked about this movie is the way running is portrayed as a way to show what you're made off. A way to show you can commit to something, see things through and are someone to rely on.

It's not very realistic...

Granted, the movie isn't very realistic: Dennis Doyle, played by Simon Pegg, runs the marathon without even having breakfast, and after only three weeks training.

Oh dear, running shoes as a gift?

And the way he gets his running shoes, someone gives them to him as a present, probably makes shoe experts wince. And the jokes often are a bit crass.

The message is great

But the message of the movie is great:

Running makes you a better person.

And to that, I couldn't agree more.


Unknown said...

haha this movie seems funny. I like Simon Pegg. I hate running!!! #justanotherlinky

Lisa Pomerantz said...

#fridayfrivolity I had to give up running because of neck pain, but there is nothing to compare to the euphoria that comes from the runners high

Anonymous said...

Running is my nemesis! Mr. British Maple is a great runner, as is my own mum but I have never got that warm and fuzzy feeling from it (more warm and sweaty!) I have some work to do to get my core muscles back together and then my aim is to start the Park Runs each steps! Great post! #justanotherlinky

Note Me Happy said...

I love a good run to blow the cobwebs off!


Debbie said...

I loved that film! Such a feel good movie. There is a lot to be said about running, it shouldn't be about speed, distance or gear (or only on a personal level). It should just be about getting out there and getting a good dose of happy hormones. Running should be fun!


Unknown said...

I really hope it does - I'm a week into beginning to run and hope that by the end I'm fitter and a better person - I need something to keep me at it! #justanotherlinky

Janice Wald said...

I have a knee injury and must do low impact.
Thanks for bringing your post to Blogger's Pit Stop last week.
Janice, Pit Stop Crew

Nicole Orriëns said...

That sucks Janice. Hope your knee will feel better soon.

Nicole Orriëns said...

Just make sure you don't run too fast.

Nicole Orriëns said...

Yes, I totally agree!

Nicole Orriëns said...

I understand how you feel. To tell you the truth, even after 15 years of running I still find it hard to go running. But I know that I'll feel great afterwards. So I just do it. Like Nike : )

Jessica Bird said...

I love that film! Thanks so much for sharing over at #FridayFrivolity :)

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