Runner's high

runner's high

On a misty, first day of the year 2008 I was vegetating on the couch and thinking of reasons why I definitely was nót going to go for a run. 

It was too misty, too cold, I didn't want to, I was too tired, why should I etc. But suddenly I jumped up from the couch, put on my running clothes and said in a stunned voice: 

'Apparently I'm going to go for a run!' 

Running with my son

I asked my son Ot (6) to join me on his bike. This way I would not only get my kicks from running but also from begin a Good Mother. 

He talked, and he talked, and then he talked some more

Ot immediately started talking, and talking and talking. I could regulate my breathing by the short pauses in which he waited for my 'uh-huh'. I ran and I ran, and Ot talked and talked. After about thirty minutes Ot was finally talked out, and asked me to practice some numbers with him. 

Practising his numbers

I shouted: 'Three plus eight!' A merciful silence ensued, and for minutes we ran in pleasant peace and quiet. We passed a pond, and went through the parc.

Just when I thought my question was too difficult Ot suddenly shouted: 'Eleven!' For the rest of the run I gave him questions to solve, followed by long periods of silence, and then Ots solution. 

Not only did I train my body today, I also trained my son's brain. 

 Now that's a runner's high!

1 comment

Gardening Helen said...

I used to be a runner - sadly my feet can't take it anymore and I do miss it. There's nothing more mentally cathartic than running in the fresh air. Thank you so much for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal Life's Share the Wealth party. Your support is greatly appreciated! Hope your week is fantastic!

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