For me, daring to be different is daring to be a slow runner. To not be embarassed when little toddlers on bikes pass me by.
And for me daring to be different is daring to be a stay at home mom. To not mind when people ask me: 'Don't you think it's a shame of your education? You know, sitting around at home all day.'
Daring to be different is daring to be me.
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lol thats a great way to put your point across!
thanks for stopping by my ww :)
toot toot- came over here from Tuesday's Toot. Applaud your decision to be a stay at home mom. It is , to me, the best decision that I made for my kids. I'm sure you too enjoy your time and priceless moments that you have seeing 1st hand how your kids grow from babies.
I love this post. Have you read about Hajime Nishi? He tries to run marathons as slowly as possible in order to get the full experience. I just love that.
I LOVE that! So cool!
Happy WW!
It's too bad times haven't changed much. I was a stay at home mom 25 years ago, and took a lot of flack for that.
I totally agree with your daring to be different in regards to your slow running. I'm even slower as a race walker, but love every minute of it.
Good for you! I think it's important to be different, even if it's not what the world believes.
You are so right!!! Time with your kid(s?) is so precious!
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