Barefoot running in action!

Wordless Wednesday


Unknown said...

great pic- so young and carefree.

K said...

This image could be in your header! You look like you're doing a home run race around the bases! I love being barefoot, I'm barefoot more than my daughters are even :)

Rosa B. said...

Nothing like running in the grass barefoot... Fun shot! :)

Ann Jones said...

My two kids love running barefoot, great pic! New follower from the lucky wednesday hop, have a great day!

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

I remember those carefree days! I am passing by from Tough Cookie Mommy. Thanks for linking up your post. I'm now following you via GFC. You can find me here:

Shana said...

Carefree...makes me want to run barefoot too! Hi! Just stopping by. Following you from Lucky Wednesday Blog Hop. Would love a visit and a follow back on my blog: We are having a fantastic iPad 2 giveaway and a Kindle 3G giveaway so I hope you will enter if you haven’t already! Thanks! Nice to meet you.

Mandi said...

Awesome pic! It's nice to see green grass, our's has been dead and crispy for over a month now. Haha.

Mandi at

Mom's Home Run said...

Hi Mandy,

I have to confess, the grass I'm frolicking on is not our own lawn...

Jessica said...

I am a new follower!!!

Hope you stop by my brand new blog:

Anonymous said...

Great shot. :) I'm your newest follower from the hop. :)

Studio Mommy said...

Hi! I’m hosting a blog hop today. Come add your blog when you get a chance if you haven’t already. If you’re ever interested in a blog makeover please let me know. Take a look at my portfolio and packages when you get a chance. Hope you are having a Sweet Week.

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