I tripped, I stumbled... Found myself.

mindful running

I tripped, I stumbled and I almost fell!

I managed to catch myself júst in time.
'Wow!' I said to myself, suddenly feeling very much awake. Thinking:

'How did I get here?'

Running mindlessly...

I'ld run most of my route without paying attention. Just running along, making sure I got my run done. But after my near fall I started to pay attention.

I started to run in the moment.

Suddenly I noticed the beautiful sunrise, and all the colours in the sky looked.

Fancy meeting Me here!

And I started to notice Me.

Nothing like a good stumble to get you in the moment.

1 comment

Cheryl said...

It's so important to stop what we're doing every now and then and think about where/who/what/why we are. :-)

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